Be adventuresome and learn to create your own artistic cloth. In this introductory class you will learn a dozen easy methods to apply color and texture to white cloth using textile paints. Using your favorite colors and personal style, you'll have fun painting on cloth that is suitable to be used in art quilts and other fiber art / mixed media exploration. Learn to use brushes, sponges, rubber stamps, plastic baggies, squirt bottles and more. The paints are extremely easy to use, heat-set with a household iron and require no special equipment or set up in your home.
these are wonderful textile paints that do not change the hand of the fabric. The cloth created with these paints, when used according to manufactures directions, is so soft you can easily sew it by hand or machine. Creating my own cloth is fun and exciting. I use my favorite colors and express my personal style. Hand painting is easier, and for some, less intimidating than hand dying. These textile paints are extremely easy to use. No special equipment, set up, health precautions, or additional chemicals are required. No need to memorize recipes, as the paints are ready-to use from the bottle and once air dryed are heat set with an iron. I do my larger pieces in my home clothes dryer.
Click on this link to see slide show of beginning painting class. Photos taken by student Darcy Berg.
SUN PRINTING - let the sun do the magic in sunprint class
In this 3 hour class you will create customized colors and designs on fabric. No painting experience required, just a willingness to play and experiment with unique and unusual sun blocks. The special heliographic paints will be provided. Just bring any white or pastel fabric, any favorite flat shapes, leaves & sticks from your garden, circles, stars, mesh, fencing, washers, and wood or cardboard cut- outs, surprise us. Come and have fun in the sun. No fear....we've got a "plan B" in the event of overcast conditions.