Thursday, May 19, 2011

Assemblage box reconstruction

Assemblage #218
After reconstruction
I have been spending a good deal of time contemplating my next step with my 2D assemblage artwork.  I have many pieces packed in boxes that came back from various exhibit situations needing attention for a variety of reasons. When work goes out on exhibit at a gallery, to an art fair, or on consignment in a shop, it often returns somewhat different then when it went. In my case, it's generally the metal frames that bear the brunt of handling mishaps or environmental miscalculations. Unexpected bad weather being the greatest tragedy at an outdoor fair.

So now, I have determined it's time to visit these boxes and see what's there and what is needed. Reworking/reconstructing the art is also a concept I am ready and willing to embrace. 

My intent in my mixed-media assemblage artwork is to develop abstract compositions. I often work in a series
and choose items one by one from my vast accumulation of elements using an instinctive sense of design. Some of the objects are found; some presented to me by others and some acquired by happenstance. Many, but not all, of these elements are specially treated to alter their origin. Other collage fragments are specifically developed from artist materials with paint and layering techniques.
So here's the results of the first one, it's going to a Midwest Collage Society group exhibit of collage/assemblage artwork. I'm pretty satisfied with the results.
What do you all think

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Anonymous said...

I like it alot - keep up the good work!

Lois Jarvis said...

LOVE the reworked piece!!!

JoAnn Deck said...

thanks for the encouragement Sara, & Lois. I'm sometimes "too close to it" to be objective.