Friday, June 29, 2012

why I think it's cool to be an artist

My inner artist has a keen interest in finding ways to share my personal view of my world, and viewpoints. 

Trying different methods, some more successful (at the time) then others, keeps me moving forward, embracing my inquisitive nature. When I get bored, frustrated, tired, cranky, it’s time to refresh my creative spirit with what ever it takes at that moment. Yes, even sprawled on the grass with the camera to get upclose and personal with a dying mushroom.

When it stops being fun, MOVE ON. I’ve learned that after awhile I may come back and revisit what went before and see how it helped me get to wherever I am RIGHT NOW!!  I love the learning, it’s what feeds my artist soul and gives me keener insight. Playing is IMPORTANT!!! I try to remember it’s more about the process than the product. I must not accept niche’ identification of myself by my medium!!  I am a professional artist, that sets me apart from 100 other people who express their wish to do what I do. They all think it’s so COOL to be an artist, they only see the ecstasy, none of the agony. I must embrace it, run with it, LOVE IT !!!

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